Monday, August 9, 2010

I chatted with KLBJ Today Regarding Heat Dangers for the Elderly

Officials with a local personal assistance service warn that triple-digit temperatures can take a big toll on a vulnerable segment of the population, even when they avoid the sun.

Frank Hayes, president of Senior Helpers of Central Texas, says senior citizens are aware of heat warnings. That message is getting out. “But they don’t, a lot of times pay attention to them, because they don’t think that they belong to the group being targeted.”

But that's not the only problem. Due to cost considerations, Hayes says many seniors run their fans with the air-conditioner turned off and the windows closed. He says that leads to rapid dehydration. Hayes say there are more deaths due to oppressive heat than all other disasters combined.

Link Here.


  1. It is not only dangerous for some elderly people but the heat today is scorching because of the effects of global warming and I might add it can cause skin cancers very quickly.

  2. Have those moles (ugly freckles as I call them) checked out by a dermatologist for sure. It is really painless to have them removed early!
