Tuesday, September 29, 2009

14 Signs That an Aging Parent May Need Your Help

From: MyOptimumHealth

Children of aging parents should trust their instincts. If you think a parent needs help, take action before the situation gets worse.

Nancy knew that her parents were not getting around as well as they used to. Her mother was becoming forgetful and needed to be reminded to take her medication. Her father had recently fallen on the steps. Whenever she suggested getting a home health aide to assist them since she lived far away, they insisted they were fine.

But when Nancy got a call from her parents' long-time neighbor that their lawn hadn't been mowed in weeks and her mother was acting confused, she knew it was time to step in.

An older person's health can change without warning. Your 77-year-old dad who has never had a traffic ticket drives through a stop sign. Your highly organized mother neglects to pay the phone bill or feed the cat. Professionals in elder care advise children of aging parents to trust their instincts when they see danger signs and take action before the situation gets worse.

Signs that your parents might need help
The prospect of losing one's independence can be terrifying. Older adults can be proud and reject that they need help, despite appearances. Concerned adult children may need to look beyond what their parents are saying...and to clues that their caring attention is needed.

Your parents may need your help if...

1. They are not taking medication as prescribed.
2. Their driving skills have slipped.
3. They are neglecting bills or not depositing checks.
4. They fall prey to a financial scam or high-pressure sale.
5. Their clothes are not clean.
6. They are not brushing their teeth or shaving.
7. They have dropped their hobbies and friends.
8. They are eating poorly.
9. Their house and yard are not being tended to.
10. They are not taking proper care of pets.
11. They have limited contact with the outside world.
12. They seem confused or depressed.
13. They have lost bowel or bladder control.
14. They trip often or have trouble with stairs.

What to do?
If one of your parents appears to need help, make an appointment with a health care professional who is trained in evaluating the medical, emotional and lifestyle needs of the elderly. This expert could be a physician, home care professional, nurse or geriatric social worker.

A comprehensive assessment should include your parent's mental and physical health, living space and daily lifestyle. The purpose is to identify risks and determine what assistance or preventive measures could improve the parent's quality of life. The recommendations could include medication; home health care; home safety modifications; strategies for managing loss of bladder or bowel control; vision loss; or treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

Involve your parent in any decisions that need to be made. By addressing age-related problems early, there is a much greater chance that an older parent can continue to live independently for more years than would be possible otherwise.

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